How to find out Login for my EA / Origin Account on PS4?
Different Names:
Origin Account / Account / FUT Account / FIFA Ultimate Team Account
Before you find your informations, you need to know which eMail are you using for your account, with that you play on your PS4 FIFA Ultimate Team.
1. On your PS4 Home screen, select “Settings”
2. Select “PlayStation Network/Account Management”.
3. Select “Account Information”.
4. Select "Sign-in ID (eMail Address)" and see there your eMail.
Now you need to find out your Password for this account.
1. Go to or
2. Go to Login and If you don't remeber your password, then click on "Forget Password" and follow the steps to recover your Password.
If need help to find our your Backup Codes, just navigate to this tutorial: "How to find Backup Codes for FUT Account / Origin Account"
Once you have your Origin Login, you can just find our your Backup Codes and start your FIFA Coins transfer on